Rehearsal Aids
June 2025 Concert
The following sites (most of which are free) often contain learning aids to choral works that the Society is rehearsing. Some contain more than others, and you may need to search several of them
to find what you need.
Cyberbass: http://www.cyberbass.com/
Midi Choral Music: http://www.learnchoralmusic.co.uk/index1.html
Choralia: http://www.choralia.net/mp3catalogue.htm
John Fletcher’s Rehearsal Files: https://johnfletchermusic.org/
This site requires you to register – free – and then on subsequent visits you need to log
in. The rehearsal files for many works are free, but some are only available on subscription.
Nonetheless, it is a useful site in that it quite often has works that other sites don’t.
Youtube Choirparts channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Choirparts
Good if you like to see the score on-screen as you sing.
Choraline: https://www.choraline.com/
Rehearsal files for sale on this site come in the form of CDs, downloads or streaming online.