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Support Us

Come to our concerts

Click here for information on forthcoming concerts and how to buy tickets, and click here to sign up for occasional email updates on forthcoming events.


Other ways to support us

Our aim is to give local people opportunities to study and practise glorious choral music with a professional Music Director, and to perform it with professional musicians and soloists. Through our concerts, we also aim to foster the appreciation of such music in the wider community. We rely heavily on our membership subscriptions and concert ticket sales. However, the costs of putting on major choral works (with several soloists and instrumentalists) are substantial.  The Society welcomes financial support from individuals and businesses to enable us to maintain (and indeed increase) the number and quality of such events.  Here are some ways you could help us:

Advertise in our concert programmes

If you are involved in a local business, why not advertise it in one of our concert programmes?  Our rates are very reasonable. To advertise in this way, contact the Treasurer at this address:

Sponsor a concert

We would also be very pleased to hear from any local business or individual who would like to sponsor a particular concert. You might wish to support the concert generally, or to sponsor a particular performer, e.g a soloist. Rates are negotiable, and the Society would be pleased to make due acknowledgement in concert programmes. If you are interested, please contact the Treasurer:

Make a donation

Donations to the Society are always very welcome, and can be made by cheque or online bank transfer.

Since we are a registered charity (Registered Charity Number 1152661), do please Gift Aid your donation if you are eligible. This increases the value of donations at no extra cost to you. At the current basic rate of tax (20%), the Society can claim an extra 25p for every £1 donated. Print out a Gift Aid Declaration and send it to the Treasurer.


           Gift Aid Declaration

Please contact for up-to-date address and/or bank details.

You can also donate online via the Give As You Live website.  This site operates in a similar way to, as explained below, but also offers the facility to make single or regular donations.  Please click on the logo below to be directed to the society's page.


Raise money for Lower Windrush Choral Society when you shop online

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If you shop online, there’s an easy and free way to support Lower Windrush Choral Society. Over 7000 brands (including Argos, M&S, Boden, John Lewis, House of  Fraser,  Vodafone,  Expedia and  many  more) 

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will donate a percentage of what you spend to Lower Windrush Choral Society when you shop with them via fundraising website Each retailer will typically donate 2 – 5% of the cost of your shopping, but sometimes more, and those donations soon mount up. Follow the instructions below to find out how to start raising free donations:

1. Go to  and register FREE.
2. Once you are registered, use the links on the easyfundraising site to go to your favourite online shops and shop in the usual way.
3. Every time you shop online, for yourself or your business, log on to and use their links to visit your favourite shops.



If you have enjoyed your association with the choir, whether as a choir-member or a concert-goer, please consider leaving a gift in your will to Lower Windrush Choral Society.  A legacy can be for the general purposes of the Society, or for a specific purpose such as sponsoring a concert. Such gifts make a real difference to the concerts we can perform and the audiences we reach.   As the Society is a registered charity (No. 1152661), any legacy left to it would be exempt from Inheritance Tax.

If you would like to discuss the details of leaving a legacy to Lower Windrush Choral Society, or to inform us that you have done so, please contact our Treasurer on

 © Lower Windrush Choral Society   Registered Charity No. 1152661

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